Down on the Border: The Minuteman Project  

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Minuteman Project continues in Arizona. These guys are awesome. They follow illegal aliens sneaking into the country and report them to the INS/Border Patrol. President Bush has called them "vigilantes". The Mexican government has sent troops (for what?). California communists have sent protesters (yes, and?). The ACLU has sent lawyers (like that's any kind of surprise).

I just wish they would continue this beyond this month. You know you have it right when the left protests and the ACLU threatens to sue. It's the best litmus test anywhere. Why stop?

You guys are doing the Lord's work. These illegals give legal immigrants a bad name, particularly those who have come here legally from Mexico. Allowing criminals to come back after being deported for committing crimes like murder encourages these criminals to continue their crimes.

To the President and the INS/Border Patrol:

You should be embracing the work these people are doing, and encouraging more people to do it. Our armed forces are fighting the terrorists abroad. What the hell is wrong with having our armed (and in these guys' cases unarmed) citizenry per the Second Amendment participate in defending our borders against those who would disrespect our laws and/or harm us? I'll tell you what's wrong with it: NOTHING! Stand and commend them on their huge accomplishments. They should be encouraged to carry arms, however, to protect themselves from the more dangerous illegals coming in. You need to see that the borders are secure and that a good program for bringing in new legal immigrants (not just granting amnesty to those who have broken our laws in the way they came here) is put into place. Shorten the waiting period. Streamline the process. These people aren't unwelcome, they just haven't followed the process.

To the illegals:

You are not unwelcome in our country. However, your presence here without respecting our sovereignty and our laws and our priocedures for coming here legally is NOT welcome. The fact that you continue to do this makes your situation more difficult to correct. It also makes our country more prone to terrorist attacks. If you cannot respect this, then you do not belong here, plain and simple.

To the Mexican government:

Your actions that encourage these people to come to America against our laws is completely and totally inappropriate. If your soldiers fire one shot - just one - President Bush has no choice but to consider you a military threat and begin to completely decimate your military the very next day. Do you want this? What in the world do you seek to accomplish by sending troops? Your purpose would be much better served by bringing more freedom to your country and let the people succeed without your intervention. Why do you think things are so much better here in the first place? Hmm? Maybe there wouldn't be this mass exodus of people trying to find a better life here in the United States. If this keeps up for too long, especially if we make legal immigration more accessible to your people, the new bumper sticker in Mexico will read, "Will the last person to leave Mexico please turn out the lights?"

To the California protesters:

Protest all you want. Our Constitution guarantees you free speech, even though you don't want me to practice it, so have your protest. My advice to you is to keep your distance, though. If any of those Mexican soldiers, or more likely, criminal gangsters starts shooting, you are just as American as the rest of us, and you will be a target, just as you are in the cities they terrorize when they're here. Take that to the bank. You'd better hope some of the Minutemen are exercising their right to keep and bear arms (which you don't want them to have), as they may be your only line of defense.

To the ACLU:

You have no business there. Go home, and take your lawyers with you. No one's rights are being violated, except maybe the Minutemen, and we all know you're not there to protect them. If the illegals want their God-given rights enforced, let them go back to the country that guarantees them constitutionally. Your lawyers cannot do anything to protect foreign nationals who are in the US illegally. I have more forceful words for your organization in general, but for now I'll just suggest you go away.

Most importantly, to the Minutemen:

You are doing the Lord's work. I wish you would continue this beyond the month that you planned. You are an inspiration to us all. Show your success, and flaunt it. Other states should follow your lead. The Canadian border could use a few guys like you as well. To hell with the Mexican government, the protesters, the ACLU, and anyone else that gets in your way. Hold your heads high and be proud of what you have done. Above all, consider making it an ongoing project. Those immigrants who are here legally applaud what you do. Their voices are being heard all over America. Once again, Thanks!

(More at my previous post)


Update 4/14:Larry Elder gets it right.