The Blogoversary Approacheth!  

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Maybe I shouldn't be "tooting my own horn" so early, but with so many bloggers celebrating their own blogoversaries, I figure I should be properly gearing up for mine, which is coming up Feb. 1.

I've been working through some thoughts on how to go about it, and since I can't afford to fly everyone in to Philly, I imagine the best way to do it would be with a special post. A kind of "Year in Review" post would be a lot of fun. Problem is, there's just so much that has happened of note over the past year, ranging from the totally awful (Terri Schiavo) to the incredibly patriotic (the Minuteman Project) to the completely ridiculoous (Weird Howard and the Sheehag).

I'm sure I'll go with a bunch of "firsts" (first post, first idiot, first fisk, first big link, etc.) to start, but there's just so much more to celebrate. What do y'all think I should do on this special occasion?