A Little Linky Love for HS Beth  

Thursday, March 23, 2006

HS BethW has put out some very profound statements today as part of a post regarding the firing of a radio personality in St. Louis. These comments, really just a sidebar, have well summed up the real problem that exists with regard to race.

The St. Louis area has suffered greatly under the influence of the Left, and, in all honesty, I think the black community has suffered the most. For generations, many blacks have been taught that the government will take care of them, and the cycle of poverty and welfare is a sad norm in the area, along with the gangs and criminal behavior that go along with it. And, then, those who are stuck in the cycle are told that those not in cycle are intent on keeping them down. And they are offended at the slightest little thing, because, after all, every person who doesn't look like them is just another racist pig.

And this isn't a black thing, or a racism thing, or a St. Louis thing. It's a Nanny State, entitlement, victimhood thing. The Left in this country has done everything in its power to segregate the population into "victim groups," (women, minorities, laborers) telling them that the DNC are the only ones who care, the only ones who will take care of them. And, because they've been told that for generations, the "victims" dutifully drink the Kool-aid and join the zombie masses, afraid to break the cycle that has held them captive.
"Under the influence of the Left". I can think of no better way to describe it. The Left's socialist agenda is nothing less than a bad drug to which many people are addicted, and the Left does everything in its power to get as many people on the drug as possible.

"And, then, those who are stuck in the cycle are told that those not in cycle are intent on keeping them down." And, of course, the Left demonizes anyone who tries to convince these people differently. Truer words were ne'er spake, as I love to say.