Late-Night RWR at RWN  

Friday, August 11, 2006

One thing about blogging I really like is its ability to keep me busy during my many insomnia attacks, often brought on by euphoria from a great performance by myself and/or others. Last night, after stumbling upon an excellent new band quite by mistake, I was awake to the wee hours yet again, and dealing with liberidiot bullshit. This time, "shiteherder"

So yeah, look at the British example of purest competence. Look at Spain, and the fact they didn't go on the warpath (and neither did the Brits after their terrorist attack). Look at America's color-coded election-years-only Republican-controlled terrorist alert system, a Rovian political thing way, way before being a public-service tool. Look at the selling off of ports to Middle Eastern countries with dubious credentials. Look at America going after terrorists everywhere they ain't, ignoring 'em where they are, locking up whoever the hell they want in Guantanamo, torturing en masse, manhandling the Constitution like a frat boy with rape on his mind...I know you all love blood and gore, your "happy residuals of lusty war" (Smithe), the abstraction known as "terrorism" never flattened and forever teased into larger, bigger, stronger shapes, and you say YOU love America more than we liberals do? Ha! If you support all of this incompetence that's not incompetence at all (it's by design, by professional wreckers), you despise this country, and I challenge you to say otherwise, substantively.

You can't do it, but try...
by shiteherder on 2006-08-10 18:38:47
You gotta love these people. Don't you? I took issue with a few specifics, especially given the sorry excuse for a challenge at the end.
we wanted police action, covert intelligence work, ANYTHING but bombs-dropping madness. And we were written off as imbeciles.

Because you ARE imbeciles. Police work wouldn't and won't get these people, and the bombs have done quite nicely.

but there was no terrorism emanating from Iraq pre-9/11

Clear proof that you have no clue. Saddam Hussein openly and publicly encouraged terrorism against the US. Zarqawi was in Iraq prior to our invasion, WMDs were known to be there and some were even found. I wonder if you had any idea what the airliner fuselage that was found there was for. Training pilots maybe? Kinda tough with no engines ...

look at America going after terrorists everywhere they ain't, ignoring 'em where they are, locking up whoever the hell they want in Guantanamo, torturing en masse

Plenty of terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq (and the leaders were hiding where?? .. ), and most of what we have in Gitmo are from there. Who exactly are we ignoring?

Show me one example of torture - and if you say Abu Graib, you will be laughed at. What happened there is child's play compared to the torture the other side is engaged in WITH THE BLESSING OF THEIR "LEADERS". Get a clue.

manhandling the Constitution like a frat boy with rape on his mind...

Don't get me started. The Democrats and the Left have been raping and manhandling the Constitution since the '30s. Why, all of a sudden, do you see cause for alarm?

you say YOU love America more than we liberals do?

Given your side's blatant attempts to repeal the Constitution, I'd say there's more than ample evidence that we do.

you despise this country, and I challenge you to say otherwise, substantively.

Bring it on. I will submit that I despise the unconstitutional socialism that your side has foisted upon this country. I despise your side's efforts to thwart a war that MUST be fought and won.

I am not saying that everything that can be done is being done, but for you to come here and tell me that you love America more than I do, given your side's efforts to dismantle it, is deplorable at best.

Bring it on.


by RightWngRocker on 2006-08-11 01:51:33
I guess I must have hit a soft spot, because what I got back was this ...
You know, we would stand on most things together, I think. RightWingRocker, let me tell you, if the chips were down I'd take a bullet for you, if it was the enemy coming over the hill and fighting with our backs to each other, Custer style, kill the bastards drop 'em in their own blood...yeah, brother, I'd take a bullet for you, as an American falling for a countryman, but if you can understand this, the American I'm willing to fall for and die for is NOT the current, Bushian America. It's just not. This is an America that - in all my born days - is crazier than ever, and substantially at that. America is no more than a flailing thing, anymore. It's a disgarce to its roots, to its Englightened depths - rendered that way by plotting and scheming mothers who are (and this is gut feeling, right here, the rawest stuff I can offer you of myself) all but worthless as human beings.

Now, that is nothing I would EVER say, not even joke about or hint around...not normally, anyway. But these times are not normal, and I don't like where things are going. Yes, there is terrorism in the world, and yes, there is an easy way to, if not outright contain it, at least curb it, and that way is: go to the TRUE root of the problem - Israel/Palestine - as well as America/Western countries "occupying" portions of the Middle East where those countries aren't desired, and so tension results and possibilities for havoc abound. It doesn't have to be that way; we could remove our troops and work night and day FOR REAL to solve the Israel/Palestine problem. That is eminently fair and correct and moral and just and empathetically dignified - to the people who were displaced by Israel's creation, and who are PEOPLE, motherflubbing yo. PEOPLE. Try to process that and work everything from there. You'll be glad you did.

At some point, some American administration is going to have to negotiate with terrorists. Almost guaranteed, the terms will be: presence removed from Middle Eastern countries; Palestine given generous tracts of land and full assurances of sovereignty.

That is the path to peace. Everything else is a pissing joke.
by shiteherder on 2006-08-11 02:31:42
Do I hear clueless??
At some point, some American administration is going to have to negotiate with terrorists.

AFTER they have been brought to their knees like the Nazis and the Japanese.

Plead with me all you want, and spare me the "I would take a bullet for you" crap. You obviously refuse to support those who have supported YOU since the creation of Israel, the Israelis.

America is a disgrace to its roots because of the socialism that has been forced upon it over the last 100 years. Our president has refused to do many things (properly securing the borders and detaining/trying/deporting as many illegals as possible for one) that would reduce the threat of terrorism domestically, but the actual war that we are fighting today has been a long time coming, and this president has demonstrated amicable and exemplary courage in standing up to fight it.

All Carter could do was wait out the terrorists, while President Reagan's threat to fight them was sufficient to secure the freedom of those taken hostage by the terrorists. When terrorists bombed a Pan Am flight over Scotland, President Reagan fired upon the government that sponsored the act. Which did more to stop terrorism in your view?

President George H. Bush's response to Saddam annexing an ally nation? Let loose the war machine and drive his sorry ass out. President Clinton's response to the WTC attack in 1993? We're still waiting for it. Which did more to stop terrorism in your view?

I'm not going to sit back and let people demonize this president over one of two things he has done right as our president (the other being Constitutionalist judges like Roberts and Alito - with our help, of course). There are plenty of things to attack him over. Why take this moronic stance that everything he does is wrong, espeically with regard to such an important issue? I'm sure that I could find something (if I looked hard enough) that your sweetheart Clinton did right.

Almost guaranteed, the terms will be: presence removed from Middle Eastern countries; Palestine given generous tracts of land and full assurances of sovereignty.

That is the path to peace. Everything else is a pissing joke.

by shiteherder on 2006-08-11 02:31:42

Wrong. The terms will be knock off the terrorism or die. We can talk about land and/or sovereignty after that is accomplished.

As long as pro-freedom anti-terrorists are running the show, that is.

by RightWngRocker on 2006-08-11 03:03:05
Then he puts it all into perspective.
Nothing wrong with Socialists. Always been a Socialist myself, frankly.

by shiteherder on 2006-08-11 02:41:58
That about says it all, doesn't it? This from a guy who complains that President Bush is "manhandling the Constitution like a frat boy with rape on his mind", then in the next breath tells us he's a socialist. Who has been raping and manhandling the Constitution for the last 100 years? Hmm?? What a moron. I posted a non-response in my frustration.
Don't get me started.

by RightWngRocker on 2006-08-11 03:03:57
An admitted socialist is complaining about people circumventing the Constitution. The US Constitution. Am I the only on who sees the irony in that? Until people actually sit down and READ the Constitution before they make these kinds of accusations, the Constitution is facing an uphill battle.

Are you prepared to fight?