Mexico Criticizes Plan for Border Fence
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Yeah yeah. Not news, but I suppose I'll blog about it anyway, since I've been kind of quiet lately...
Mexico sent a diplomatic note to the U.S. government on Monday saying a plan to build hundreds of miles of fencing on their common border would damage relations.Oh yeah? Well boo-fucking-hoo. What are you morons going to do?? Invade? Please.
President-elect Felipe Calderon urged U.S. officials to reconsider the plan, saying one "could stop more migrants with a kilometer of new roads and development (in Mexico) than with a wall."Hey Felipe, how about you Mexicans build YOUR OWN roads? Quite a novel thought, eh? Did you ever think of that? Fucking morons.
In the letter to the U.S. State Department, Mexico's Foreign Relations Department said only comprehensive reform could stem the tide of illegal immigrants heading north in search of work.The only comprehensive reform I need is a wall and more people on the border defending it. Second Amendment, anyone?
President Vicente Fox, who leaves office Dec. 1, has spent his six-year term lobbying for a new guest worker program and an amnesty for the millions of Mexicans working illegally in the United States _ proposals that have been supported by President Bush.Bye Vinny. Been nice blogging about you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
However, U.S. lawmakers, who face midterm elections in November, have shown a greater appetite for border security measures. On Friday the Senate approved a bill authorizing 700 miles of new fencing in border states.See? Americans want the wall. Otherwise there wouldn't be so much support for it from people trying to get re-elected. Are you starting to understand now? Probably not, if you think that the US has to build your fucking roads for you.
Fox has called the barrier "shameful" and compared it to the Berlin Wall.Boo-fucking-hoo. Here's an appropriate comparison to the Berlin Wall - Berlin's wall was built to force people within the country (East Germany) to stay there so that the government could continue oppressing them. America's wall is being built to force people on the outside to follow the rules and obey the laws that protect those inside the wall. As for those escaping Mexican oppression, there is quite a bit Farks could have done to cut back on the oppression down on his side of the wall. Of course, Farks was never one to understand simple logic.
Calderon said Monday that the barrier would not deter migrants from walking across the desert or swimming over the Rio Grande in search of a better life.Nope. Of course, no one expects it to. Never mind that you, Mr. Calderon, could kill some of the socialism and make life better in Mexico so that people would want to stay there. All we're looking for is a way to bring things a little more under control so that there are Mexicans available in Mexico to build roads and such. That and we want our laws obeyed. What part of that don't these fuckwads understand?
"A border that unites two nations allows the free movement of labor but is closed to drugs, guns and criminals," he added. Calderon spoke in Guatemala, where he met with President Oscar Berger on his first international tour since the July presidential election.Umm ... get over yourself, please. The LAST thing we want at this point is to unite with Mexico. We have more than enough socialism as it is. Perhaps we could consider a nice package bringing Mexico under US control, but right now, we're busy with more important matters, such as shedding some of the socialism we're already suffering under.
On Friday, Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said he would try to persuade Bush not to sign the bill.You do that, Ernie. In the meantime, we Americans will be looking out for American interests instead of Mexican interests. Sorry we're so goddamned selfish, but that's how it is.
"We think it is a gesture that doesn't reflect the friendship between the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean and the United States," Derbez said.Friendship? Please. What kind of friend would encourage leaving people's doors unlocked while simultaneously encouraging criminals to go into their houses? Mexico is NO FRIEND of the United States.
Here's an interesting fact:
An estimated 11 million Mexican citizens are in the United States, about half of them illegally.So Mexico's second leading source of foreign income comes from migrant workers in the US. Cutting off the flow of illegal aliens would cut that about in half by this estimate. So again, the old adage "follow the money" applies.
Last year, Mexican migrants sent home more than $20 billion in remittances, the country's second leading source of foreign income after oil. In the first eight months of 2006, remittances rose by nearly 20 percent over the same period last year, according to figures released by the Mexican Central Bank on Monday.
If the Mexican government really wanted to be of service, they could read this post. I've given them all manner of good advice on how to be of real service to America and, more importantly, to Mexicans. If they didn't heed my advice then, I doubt they will now.
I guess they're just the stupid fuckwits I've had them pegged for all along.
Update 10/4 5:10PM: President Bush signed the bill! Hey Farks and Calderon, KISS THIS!
Sage · 626 weeks ago
RightWingRocker · 626 weeks ago
W has shown he can't be counted on when it comes to this issue. There are even some Donks taking the right side of this one, though their motivation is clear, and there's no evidence they'll actually DO the right thing.
These guys just piss me off with their bullshit - telling us what to do, including where to spend and not spend our money. Geez, for once Congress gets it right, and passes something that will actually have a positive effect on national security, and these guys pitch a fit.
If the Mexicans want American-style prosperity, thry should adopt an American-style economic model. Unfortunately for their leadership, capitralism requires them to give up much of their power.
Put a red rose on my grave when that happens.
RightWingRocker · 626 weeks ago
Looks like W decided to do the right thing.