Civil War in Iraq  

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Well it seems Freder_Frederson finally got his civil war in Iraq.

Too bad for him it's just terrorists fighting each other over something neither of them really controls.

Yup, the Shi'ites have been hanging in there in trying to establish something that may resemble (on some level) a free nation, and the Sunnis and al-Qaeda have obviously been so frustrated with their resolve that they've taken to fighting each other.

Who was it that said they wouldn't advocate the US sending soldiers into Iraq for purposes of containing a civil war? I say just get everyone else out of the war zone and let the terrorists all kill each other - then drop a bomb on those that are left. For a civil war that was supposed to force us to turn tail and run, this is really awfully funny. They're saving us billions of dollars in ammunition and countless lives. All in the process of annihilating themselves so that we can achieve our victory with them doing all the work for us.

Somebody please pass the popcorn.


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Bring our boys home first, THEN "pass the popcorn". This was the very reason that I knew it was folly to be involved here from the beginning!

Nah, we'll need to hold the land while we finish training the Iraqis. They're doing great, but they're not ready yet.

Besides, I don't know what I'd give to be in the army right now with a ringside seat!


Personally, I'd nuke 'em, but nobody asked me.

Eh, save the nukes for Iran and Syria. It's a whole lot more fun watching the terrorasses kill each other.

I'd have said the same thing, though, back before we kicked that rat bastard Saddam out.


Brad Andrews's avatar

Brad Andrews · 629 weeks ago

Then why don't you join up and go fight?

Facts mean nothing to you. Now you acknowledge a civil war when you lost that bet well over a year ago. Do you want US to pull out or not? Make up your mind.

You know what you are Rocker? You're a goddamn moron, living in a fantasy world. Your arrogance and complete lack of humanity are the reason the rest of the world is fed up with America.

Then why don't you join up and go fight?

I would do so tomorrow if they would take me.

Facts mean nothing to you.

Show me a fact that in any way demonstrates I'm wrong.

Now you acknowledge a civil war when you lost that bet well over a year ago.

You didn't read a damned thing, did you? The "civil war" is between muslim factions that have little or no business in Iraq in the first place. Yeah, sure. That's a civil war, alright. Unfortunately, it's not the kind that would have won Freder the bet last year (or this year, for that matter).

You know what you are Rocker? You're a goddamn moron, living in a fantasy world.

If I'm a moron, I shudder to think what you are. When Iraqis and American soldiers on the ground (who communicate with me directly, by the way) say no civil war, then the one living in a fantasy world is you, Brad Andrews.

Your arrogance and complete lack of humanity are the reason the rest of the world is fed up with America.

Who exactly is being arrogant here? Who is the one displaying a lack of humanity?

I'm not the one arrogantly taking a stand against protecting the lives of Americans and those who stand up for us. I'm not the one who's willing to just idly sit by while terrorists wreak their evil deeds upon the free and innocent people of the world, Americans in particular.

Furthermore, I couldn't give a flying fuck what the rest of the world thinks of America. Do you think the French make decisions based upon what the Germans and British think of them? Do you think the Russians make decisions based upon what the Poles and Austrians think of them?

What a fucking joke.

Oh, and by the way, I WON the bet, so grow up and fuck off.



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