RWR Troll Poll: Serious or Satire?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
OK. We've had some pretty interesting discussions here about "John Brown", a lib-troll blogger/commentor (hasn't commented here) who is just so far out there that I just don't see any way he could be anything but a very clever satirist. Still, there are others who beg to differ. They think he's serious and real.
Soooo ... Have a look at John Brown's blog, and let's have your vote. Poll comments are enabled, so please be sure and leave them on the poll instead of in the comment area. Or both, I guess. It doesn't matter.
nanc · 794 weeks ago
elmers brother · 629 weeks ago
Ol' BC · 629 weeks ago
beakerkin · 629 weeks ago
Brown is not a satire blog. Most of you live in sane locals. He is part and parcel of the fringe lunatic Union Square Freak show in NYC.
I am considered the greatest foe of that crowd. This is amazing considering that I am your classic anti traditional anti communist.
Brown first showed up on the Autonomist and has an obsession with Prof Plaut. He sent Plaut so much hateful spam Plaut had to change websites twice.
He then started on Beamish's site and was banned. He was banned at Warrens and then had a sick attraction to my site. Unlike the rest I delight in kicking Commie behind.
When Brown was booted from my site he grew insane. He started spamming blogs with hundreds of comments all stupid and unoriginal.
He also started a satire blog that calls me a pedophile. He has threatened to molest Elmer's kids. He has maintained a Klanwatch section that lists Joooos, Native Americans and Hispanics as Klansmen.
I have had the ultimate fun of reading classic demented Brown posts to seditious freaks in Union Sq
beakerkin · 629 weeks ago
I have read classic idiotic John Brown posts to his commie peers who swear Brown is too stupid to be a Commie. In my opinion his stupidity is fairly typical of that crowd.
nanc · 629 weeks ago
if he's a fake, he's the cubic zirconia of fakes.
april · 629 weeks ago
Fred Mangels · 629 weeks ago
RightWingRocker · 629 weeks ago
Haven't heard from you in ages, man. What's up?