This was Fun  

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

While studying tonight, I took frequent breaks and followed John Hawkins's LiveBlog of tonight's Republican Debate.

What made it most fun was reading the LiveBlog without watching the debate. So John would comment on something someone said without quoting him, and I'd just be reading what he had to say about it. Hilarious!

Well come on. Any Republican debates going on now are a total waste of time and energy for the candidates and for us. Same for the Donks. What does anyone really expect to accomplish NOW? The likely primary winner on the Republican side hasn't even joined the race, Giuliani and McCain are RINOs, Hunter and Gilmore are nobodies, so are Tommy, Sam, and Huck, and Tanc and Paul are Libertarian nutjobs who will get elected MAYBE if all the liberals in the Democrat and Republican Parties can be killed off in time for the primaries.

It's all a big joke. We have a war on in this party. Rush is absolutely right about that. We federalist conservatives MUST win it, and BEFORE the primaries, so that there is a true winner standing for the principles of freedom and federalism that have made America great on the ticket to beat Hitlery and Barack the Schlock. This is MUCH more important than these silly irrelevant debates.

The Revolution has begun, and it WILL be televised.

It will be hard work, but saving America from those who would turn it over to the government will be well worth the effort.