Wise Words at RWN  

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I visited this post today over at RWN, and added my input to the comment thread. I found my words particularly wise, and those of the other commentors well-meaning but missing the point.

Hawk had posted an excerpt from President Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" speech (one of the greatest speeches ever made by any orator), and the first comment was from a liberal troll calling himself "rmiller".

So simple, yet one of the most subversive statements of the late 20th century.

Posted by rmiller
June 12, 2007 7:51 AM
Of course, the conservative defense of Ronaldus Maximus came right away, starting with Don_cos, normally a very reasonable and intelligent commentor, who basically accused rmiller of ulterior motives in his comment. Rmiller defended himself, and another lib rushed to his aid.

At no time, however was there a comment about the REAL issue generated by rmiller's comment, which, while being a pretty dumb thing to say, was still thought-provoking. What about the issue of whether Reagan was right to say subversive things about a regime as evil as the USSR? That's where my comment came in:

Hmm ...

Subversive - a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system

Systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system? Check.

So what?

The question we should all be asking ourselves in this thread after reading this negative and asinine, yet thought-provoking comment by rmiller is this:

Was President Reagan right to make subversive statements with regard to the Soviet Union?

With 20/20 hindsight as our guide, no reasonable person could possibly disagree with the assertion that President Reagan was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in his utterance of EVERY WORD. Let the libs say the USSR would have crumbled under its own weight all they want. It didn't happen that way, and if it did, it would only have served as more proof of the idiocy of the communist/socialist culture they advocate.

Until Americans begin to understand and espouse the concept of the Founders' vision and denounce socialism once and for all, we are at serious risk of facing the same fate as the USSR.

A very wise commentor at my blog once said, "A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master every four years." We must begin immediately to dismantle the socialism that eats away at the very soul of our nation. The very freedoms we hold dear are in jeopardy.


Posted by RightWingRocker
June 12, 2007 7:46 PM
Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century. His domestic policy brought forth economic growth the likes of which had never been seen before in peacetime, and his foreign policy brought down an evil empire.

I believe my response to this thread at RWN to be the appropriate defense of President Reagan - not the "yeah, well he brought down the Soviet Union so never mind what you think of him" defense. The fact that President Reagan made subversive remarks is merely academic, especially when those subversive remarks inspired millions of people to stand up to those forcing socialism and communism into their lives.

If only Americans cared as much about their own freedom. Who will inspire Americans to stand against the socialists here in our own land??


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i'm going to blogroll you - great site and you seem awfully familiar - besides here and moonbattery - did you ever post at moonbat central before it closed down? i also partner on another blog:



p.s. - please pardon comment moderation - i've been infested with a nasty and vile troll and am having to house train him with this measure.

Nope ... not Moonbat Central ... I do most of my commenting in the sites listed on my BlogRWRoll.

Please click through them. They make up a good bit of my lifeblood.

I miss the trolls. I guess they just couldn't stand the heat in my kitchen. Just look at this post. It's just BEGGING for some Reagan-hating-tinfoil-hat-wearing moron to come by and stick foot in mouth.

If it weren't for Ol' BC, Sage, and Moonbat Monitor coming around every day for a high-five, I'd have nothing at all in this comment area.

I do sometimes long for the days when Delfts and Mama would kick a troll in the left side, and then TripleNeck would kick him from the right ... then Alli would give him a smile and make him feel like everything was ok just before she slapped him silly in the face ...

(all rhetorically, of course ...)

It's all in the lament from a couple weeks ago ...

Maybe you can bring a few trolls with you ... ClueBatting them is just too much fun, and we've not had nearly enough of them...


Oh, and a hearty welcome to you, nanc.


not to worry - hang with me and you'll have one in no time and you can find them at most of the links on my blogroll.

p.s. if you're looking to smack one around - go here - this one has been bothering our community for nearly two years, goes by the moniker "john brown" - feel free to beat the living tar out of him...we do...

HAHA ...

We call that a "ClueBatting". It's much too much fun for words.


oh, and he has more sock puppets than sesame street. glad you enjoyed the spar. he has had spells where he came in and would spam one of our boards two to three hundred times after he'd stalked everyone to see if we'd gone to bed. that's why many of us who do not have haloscan have gone to comment moderation.

what conservative person do you know who would do such a thing?

They're out there, Nanc.

Even I have a sock-puppet (he will remain nameless). The techniques you speak of would be very useful in helping a conservative keep his identity as a conservative hidden. After all, who would suspect a conservative of such things?

The next comment is a comment that I had a problem sending earlier. Check it out ...



I just had my first "John Brown Experience"...

He's not a liberal. Look very closely at his words and, more importantly, his blog.

This guy is a satirist - and a VERY good one. I left his blog in absolute stitches. I was laughing so hard I almost suffocated. Think about it - Mumia is not a killer, but everyone else is. That's just incredible work!

It's fun to ClueBat the satirists, too, but it doesn't do much for the cause. I put my liberal sock-puppet alter-ego out there from time to time, and it has worked wonders, not because of the ClueBatting itself, but because of the thinking that is required to debunk the Left's positions - but the purpose of John Brown's brand of satire serves a much more important purpose - to show us precisely where we're headed if we don't wise up and face the fact that our government has already taken the Constitution away from us, along with all the rights and privileges of US citizenship that go along with it.

Maybe he'll come around here sometime and grace us with his presence. We can have some fun, and maybe the ClueBattings he gets will be good enough to finally get Moonbat Monitor into the RWRmy or you, for that matter. John IS a convincing enough liberal to bring forth some great arguments that would warrant the honor.

I just wonder who the conservative genius behind the character is.

Even I have a sock-puppet (he will remain nameless).

Figures you would have a sock-puppet, RWR. You nutjobs on the right are all alike.


i must share this - some of us have had our doubts and i have known "reverse" trolls, but this is quite possibly the first time i've understood it.

I've been dealing with this one (jb) for a while.

I don't agree with your conclusion for several reasons, some of them might be trifling.

He puts too much effort into this troll business. When he was comment spamming enough to close down several comment sections by the shear volume and length of his posts, by watching the site meters at different blogs I was able to tell that he had spent more than 24 hrs straight at it.

He fits the profile of an Internet bully and stalker. It isn't a mission, its an obsession. He doesn't like being called a Internet pervert, (the equivalent of a obscene phone caller).

He is especially sensitive about certain things having to do with a "progressive" organization and someone from that organization told him that I was trying to have his "account" shut down because he was violating their terms of service. It was a technical violation and as soon as he found out what I was doing, he changed his tactics.

There are other things I won't get into but I would point out that nothing precludes a psychotic from being an ideologue.

yes, and he has personally contacted one of us through e-mail - is this a trait you're familiar with with your trolls?

he seems to have no fear of retribution.

I've been there and done that, nanc.

I so wish I had left the other site up. It was quite instructive.

Our sock-puppetry and fake liberalism went pretty deep, too. Read this post to get an idea what we did, though it's not the same thing we were trying to illustrate. The blog name has been taken over by newer people, but if you think about it, "Wingnut Watch" wasn't all that different in concept from what "John Brown" is doing.



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