A Little Research: Obama  

Thursday, February 07, 2008

This will be much more important when I do it for the Republicans, I know, because that will show just how screwed up they are. I started this project with Barack (the Schlock) Obama because he's been the big surprise this year - another reason Republicans all over America are being stupid by choosing a field of Democrat wannabes for their candidate.

Obama is KICKING HITLERY'S ASS in the primaries. Not well enough to beat her, but clearly well enough to drain her resources enough to put WHOMEVER WE WANT into the White House with as little fight from the Left as possible. Instead, we send in our most left-leaning senators and governors, virtually guaranteeing either a Hitlery presidency or a liberal Republican, which is just as bad - especially considering these assholes are all claiming to be conservative. Well, it worked for da Schlickmeister; might as well try it in our party. NOT.

Of course, anyone who comes to this blog with any degree of frequency knows that my biggest beef with both Democrats and Republicans is their ignorance of the limits placed upon them by the Constitution. This tidbit of research on the five remaining candidates will, as one would expect, focus on this matter.

Before I get into this, I want to explain how I arrived at my result. This was a difficult bit of research to do, given that Obama's website is annoyingly overrun with redundancies that forced me to stop reading about halfway through it. Not my favorite thing to do, but there was plenty there (redundancy notwithstanding) to get a good clear picture of what this guy says he's going to do. I reviewed over a hundred proposals/promises, and I cannot emphasize enough that the warnings are all right there on Obama's campaign site. Elect this man at your own peril.

Before I get into the verdict, I'll pay Obama a compliment. There was one thing I saw n his site that was clearly refreshing, and I think any conservative would strongly support it:

As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.
Refreshing indeed. Not too shabby coming from a Donk. Sounds more like something Fred or Ron Paul would advocate.

Still, it's nowhere near enough by any measure to elect Barack Obama to the office of President of the United States. His site also reveals that he supports Hitlerycare, something he has fought Mrs. Clinton tooth and nail over throughout this primary season. Mr. Obama, universal health care is universal health care. You're better off just agreeing with the bitch on that one and trying to find somewhere you differ, however difficult that may be. Mr. Obama also has published a blatant and obvious lie on his website for all to see (if they decide to read it). the site asserts that Obama is:
... the only 2008 candidate to have sponsored Russ Feingold's tough bill to reform the presidential public financing system.
Not that that's a good thing, even if it were true that Obama, and not John McShithead were the driving force in sponsoring that bill. Here, Obama's campaign is openly supporting the blatant repeal of the First Amendment that is McCain-Feingold (not Obama-Feingold).

With allowances made for redundant statements, Mr. Obama's proposals came in at a whopping 84% - yes, you read that right, EIGHTY-FOUR PERCENT - unconstitutional (read that ILLEGAL). Fully eighty-four percent of what Mr. Obama wants to do as president is outside the legal boundaries of that office and/or the federal government. And that's only stopping halfway. What's the likelihood that the other half would be any better? I say nil. In fact, given all the repetition I endured in reading this guy's platform, I'd say I'd most likely be reading more of the same stuff I'd already read. Not a very well-written website. At least when I endured Ron Paul's platform, everything I read was new material when I read it.

Next in the crosshairs: Hitlery.