This One's a Gem!  

Saturday, September 27, 2008

PJ Comix posted this one over at DUmmieFUnnies. I just couldn't help myself.

Nutty as fruitcakes.

I did not recognize my nutty cousin (or my best friend's nutty sister-and-brother-in-law) as any of the participants.


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Plant some trees you lazy fuckers.

Makes you just wanna go out there and cut a few down, doesn't it?



RWR: why is it that anytime one of these lunatics starts bemoaning the sin of being part of the human race and spouting off about how much better off Mother Gaia would be if all of us humans simply committed suicide, I have the urge to say "After you, please..."

These tree people are so depressing! One chopped down tree, and they see the whole world coming to an end. They really should choose to see the bong as being half-full and not half-empty; it would change their outlook on life.

I agree: Earth First! We can strip-mine the other planets later.

Kidding aside - were these fools in the neighborhood, or did they drive there in a bunch of gas-guzzling SUVs? They sure didn't hike in with all that high-quality video and sound equipment. I'm thinking photo-op here. It's staged for the camera.

Of course, none of these people wear leather shoes, heat their homes, or keep beer in an electric refrigerator, right? And, assuming they do actually bathe, they use Rocky Mountain river water, unheated.

By the way, I read the Federalist Party platform you left me over at my blog, STAND. Count me in - I was just the week before bemoaning the lack of a Constitution Party here in California, and then you magically appeared in my commbox. Great timing.

With your permission, I'd like to blogroll you over at STAND (you commented on my post, "I Am John Galt"). I blog both at
and at
Alhambra Bible Fellowship
. I like what I see here, and I'll be visiting. Thanks -


You may blogroll me at will. Just bear in mind I'm not the typical religious zealot we often see on our side. I prefer a more Catholic approach, enjoying my religion and sharing when the occasion permits.

I find most "Bible-thumpers" annoying, as I do not believe the purpose of Christianity is to cram it down people's throats. It's no better than spamming.

At any rate, what I saw when I was at your blog was just fine with me, and I hope you will continue to be a part of the RWRepublic.

... and the Federalist Party - Let's go eat some Republicrats!


RWR: How about cut 'em all down for a bonfire? This way we can try to counteract the lack of sunspot/ solar wind activity? We'll fail, of course, but maybe one of them will pop a vain in their forehead.


Souless Engineer

Yeah, or have us a polar bear hunt and roast with the bears and the trees!

I hear it tastes just like chicken!



Psst: It's better than chicken!

Heh, heh. What a bunch of dubs.


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