Keeping Busy
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Well this was my first week officially back to full-time work (after a few months of "part-time training"), and it's been great. Down side: less blogging time. Still, enjoying my work is worth a lot, and the people I work with are awesome.
With a little work, though, I should be able to get back to a few posts per week in the not too distant future. There's been a HUGE increase in readership, so I want to make sure the new readers have good stuff here to read, even if it's just a link somewhere else.
Also, I'm still looking for contributors for the Federalist Party Blog. Email me at federalistparty at verizon dot net. There are a few of you I should be expecting (not mentioning any names, Sage, Ol' BC, and Joaquin!) to hear from. If you agree with the basics in the platform, please contribute to this project! I'm doing some work at the state level right now, looking for a good candidate for Governor!
In the meantime, if you've been coming around here and participating (or just reading), here's a quick note of thanks and an invitation to continue doing so while we take our stand here against the socialists. America is too important to sit idly by whie they tear it to shreds.