RWR at MM: Who are the RINOs?  

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I have been commenting at for a little over a year now. Tonight, I was perusing the comments on this post, and noticed this little tidbit from a commenter named "RocketMan":

This got me to thinking, since I was once a proud Republican, but thinking things through, the truth winds up coming to mind rather easily.

So I put it into a comment:
Sadly, what we have been calling RINOs have been the true essence of the Republican Party all along. WE have been the true RINOs. WE are the ones who have espoused ideas and beliefs contrary to those of the party.

Those we have dubbed RINOs are the real Republicans, not us conservatives. WE have been the RINOs. Only once we get that and move on will we be able to realize the true potential of our philosophy and that of those who gave it to us over two hundred years ago.

WE are the ones who have truly been Republican In Name Only.

The question is this: Will we come together to stand against the liberals in the two socialist parties, or will we continue to blindly follow the road of the LOTE voter (nose-holder)?

Will YOU stand up for the Founders’ vision? If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

Not that the nose-holders will get it, but I do believe I put the concept together rather nicely.

Oh .. by the way ... I haven't tooted over post numbers in AGES ... This is RWR post #900!! Only another hundred to go for the comma!! Enjoy!!