Happy New Year 2010  

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year to all!

2009 had some really incredible things happen here, not the least of which was a huge growth spurt. Traffic is up Yesterday was our biggest day ever traffic-wise - 638 hits - more in one day than we used to do in a month just a year an a half ago. September saw a new record for monthly traffic - 4,465, and we've been over 2,000 every month since. Just before that, August fell just short with 1,933 hits.

Let's look forward to 2010, which will be the year that decides the fate of the Republican Party (and possibly also the Democrat as well). Will they stand up and fight for the Constitution, or will they fizzle into oblivion? We will know much more in November. It's interesting how the winds change. That's what keeps us all going here.

It's time to start getting ready for the Blogoversary (Feb. 1). I thought about doing something a little different this year, if people feel up to it. Leave a link to your three favorite RWR moments in the comment area of this post, and if there's enough response, I'll put up a "Best Of" on the first of the month!