RWR Federal Tax Plan  

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The liberals in Washington will never do this, because it would require they relinquish control of taxation completely. Any plan that removes power from Washington, DC and places it in the hands of the States and the People is fine by me.

Check THIS out, and see what your Congressman or Senator thinks about it:

First of all, SCRAP THE CURRENT FEDERAL INCOME TAX CODE ALTOGETHER. Its purpose is obviously not to bring in revenue for purposes of paying for the federal government. If it were, there would be no deficits or national debt. The purpose of the current federal income tax is to control the behavior of the people. Every tax break or loophole is meant to encourage people to do something, and every new tax is meant to discourage people from doing something. Just look at who gets the breaks and the higher taxes for proof.

Here's how you get the politicians in Washington, DC to stop trying to control people AND force fiscal responsibility on both the federal government and the several States:

1. The federal government must put forth a balanced budget. Every dime paid must be collected in taxes. No deficits or overspending of any kind allowed.

2. Based on the figures from the most recent census, each state pays a percentage of the amount of the federal budget based exclusively upon its percentage of the population. For example, Alabama has 1.53 percent of the population. That state would therefore be responsible for 1.53 percent of the total federal budget. Texas has 8.04 percent of the total population. Texas would therefore pay 8.04 percent of the tax.

3. Each state decides on its own exactly how to come up with the money. If New Jersey wants to have a special tax on imported crude oil for purposes of paying its share of the federal tax, then so be it. If California wants to tax fruit, then so be it. If Massachusetts wants to simply incorporate the additional tax into its income tax, then so be it. Each State would have its own opportunity to design its own collection method based on its own economic strengths. What works for a rancher in Oklahoma may not work for a pineapple farmer in Hawaii.

4. Any surplus must be refunded to the states in the same proportion as it was collected, or applied to existing debt, if applicable.

5. All existing debt must be paid off within five years of implementation.

Of course, in the words of a great musician friend of mine, "They won't do that. It sounds too much like right".


Cross-posted at The Second American Revolution.