Interesting ...  

Thursday, August 17, 2006

While I admit that I do look at my traffic stats every day, I look at them merely as a guide to knowing about how many people are reading here at the RWRepublic every day. I don't live and die by SiteMeter. I just look and say, "yeah, ok."

One month I decided to see if I could get a thousand hits for the month. I stepped up posting and succeeded, but I'm really getting maybe 25-50 hits a day even when I'm soaring.

Again, it never really meant much to me, since I don't have the time or desire to do what it takes to land 10,000 hits per day like the big guys do. My advertising is cheap (click the link at the right for proof), and I don't even guarantee one post a day.

Today, I came in from making travel preparations for an upcoming tour, and just as casually as usual, hit my SiteMeter link. At 2PM, I was in the ballpark of 120 hits so far FOR THE DAY!

No significant increase in comments, but wow.

Anyway, I'm wondering where all these readers are coming from. Are they curious about the upcoming deadline for the Iraqi Civil War to start? Are they coming over from RWN, where I've been posting rather heavily lately? Maybe from the Rottie, where I've dropped a pithy or two in the last couple weeks?

If you're new here, or think you may be part of the wave of comments today, please comment. Inquiring minds want to know.