Idiocy Revisited  

Monday, September 10, 2007

Well, surfing about this afternoon, I came across this:

What a gas!

Let's have a little fun with this, shall we?
People are dying in a war based on inaccurate facts.
OK. Someone hand this idiot a dictionary, and quick.

Facts, by definition are NOT inaccurate. And what facts are you disputing anyway? Osama bin Laden ordered the massacre of thousands of Americans, and we are to sit idly by? Saddam Hussein offers big cash rewards to the families of suicide bombers for killing Americans, and we are supposed to just laugh it up?

These people are against disarming the likes of bin Laden and Hussein, but they have absolutely NO PROBLEM with advocating laws that disarm innocent Americans who have a legally protected right to arm themselves. What kind of fucked up logic is that???
Our government is corrupt.
Go figure. So is every other government that has existed in the history of this world. Are you going to tell me that the Bush Administration is more corrupt than the Hussein regime?? Get real.
Gas prices still keep going up.
Blame that on liberal enviro-nut regulation. Hey, if your corrupt government officials gave two shits about your gas prices, they could shave 18 cents per gallon off the price TOMORROW with ONE VOTE. Instead they complain about how Americans are selfish with their energy use. What fucking hypocrites.
Homes are being destroyed in natural disasters.
Um ... What exactly is your point here? Are you trying to say that living in an area prone to, say, earthquakes, doesn't make your home a target for destruction by mother nature? If someone builds a house in a flood zone, he runs the risk of losing his home in a flood ... even if he buys flood insurance - go figure.

It's just that damned Mother Nature. If we would all just drive hybrids, she just might stop tearing up our towns with tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Are we seeing the lunacy here yet?
Children are being abused by their families.
So what's your answer?? Taking all the kids from their parents so the government can abuse them even more? Is there anyone left that buys this bleeding heart bullshit?
The local pedophile may be a priest.
He/she may also be a teacher, principal, bartender, automobile salesman, garbage truck driver, secretary, or dentist. What exactly is your point?
Poverty still exists even though we are the richest nation in the world.
Again, SO FUCKING WHAT? We are also the country with the most opportunity for those same impoverished people to overcome that poverty. The fact that they choose not to isn't anyone's fault but their own.
There is still no cure for AIDS.
Nope there isn't - and there's also no cure for heart disease or lung cancer, both of which are more dangerous and innocently spread than AIDS. Yet how much more attention (and unconstitutional money) does AIDS get, even though it's spread behaviorally?
Yet another Bush could still become our President.
With your luck, it'll be Jenna. I wonder why you're not so worried about an anti-American socialist named Hitlery becoming president ... That would be "another" Clinton, and a much more dangerous one at that.
All this and you're still going to focus on my sexuality?
I haven't said anything about your sexuality. Quite frankly, I couldn't give two shits.

Someone smack this moron.