Moonbat Monitor Socks it to Calderon  

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Moonbat Monitor has done it again.

In response to Farks wannabe Felipe Calderon's assertions that Mexico has no borders, Moonbat Monitor hit back with this:

Dear Mr. Calderon,

I feel it is my duty to advise you of an invention from long ago that is still used to this very day. This amazing invention is called a "map." On this "map" thing, you will in fact see that although there might be Mexicans here in the US, it is not in fact Mexico. You see, there are these line thingys on "maps" called "borders," and when looking at these "borders," you will notice your country ends at one point and ours begins. Therefore realizing this, I think it would be appropriate for you to amend or retract your statements in regards to your country never ending. They're wrong. My map says so. And perhaps you can have one of the millions of your citizens that have invaded our country shoplift one of these fancy "maps" and send it to you so you can fully understand this concept.

Sarcastically and not so respectfully,

-Moonbat Monitor.
I couldn't have said it better myself.

My words for Mr. Calderon are a little simpler:

If you have a problem with the US making and enforcing our own laws, shut the fuck up and declare war already. The US could use a little more land to the south, your subjects in Mexico would wind up with all the rights of real US citizens - and without the oppressive socialism they come to America to escape, and defending a border with Belize and Guatemala would be considerably easier than this long border we have right now.

Go ahead - IF you think you can win.


Update 9/7: Moonbat Monitor has been honored as an Honorable Soldier of the RWRmy for his appropriate treatment of liberals ... More to come ...